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Architecture Culture & History II

Project 1a: Timeline of Modern Architecture in Kuala Lumpur

Project 1a of the module requires students to participate in an online discussion forum to analyse a number of aspects of a historical building. Each student is required to work in groups of 6 which has been assigned a specific building. 


My group has been tasked to look into the Temple of Horus at Edfu, Egypt, and I was in charge of researching the timeline, location and evolution of the Temple


Project 1b

Pursuant to Project 1a, students are required to produce a sketch journal detailing our findings from the discussions. The journal should include in depth information on the specified building, which include information on the preceding and succeeding architectural styles, building materials and techniques as well as comparison between the different styles of architecture.





The Architecture Culture and History I Module has given me a detailed understanding of the architectural styles of the past, their philosophy, and how they have shaped and influenced modern day architecture. As one of the oldest professions in the history of humankind, this module showed me how architecture has been instrumental in shaping the lives of people throughout the history of civilisations and its profound impact in ensuring the sustainability of culture.


The various exercises and assignments have helped me to better understand the inner workings of historical buildings, especially ancient Egyptian temples. It has also given me a sense of how the customs and beliefs, as well as technological limitations of the time had an effect on the style of architecture.


In short, the detailed analysis of historical buildings has indeed elevated my appreciation towards architectural styles of the past.

Taylor's Graduate Capabilities​

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